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“SLAPPY” is a canvas and suede combination shoe, appearing to be simple in design, but it has all the functional features of a genuine skate shoe.  Even among low cut shoes, the opening of this shoe where the foot is inserted is set especially lower so that the moveable area around the ankle is wide,  and because of the vulcanized sole used in its structure,  the board can be felt with the tips of the toes and bottom  of the feet even more sharply.   Because of the high grade density of the urethane insole used for the shock absorbent, durability and absorptive power of impact of the shoe is also high.  The upper side members are formed of two layers: When the first layer made of canvas is scrapped off, the second layer made of suede will appear and so the shoe has gained popularity of having a long life-span.


"SLAPPY" はキャンバスとスエードを組み合わせた一見ごくシンプルなデザインのシューズですが本格的なスケートシューズ機能を備えています。ローカットシューズの中でも特に履き口のカットを深めに設定していて足首の可動範囲が広く、ヴァルカナイズドソール構造を採用しているので爪先、足裏で板をより感じる事が出来ます。ショック吸収性の高い高密度ウレタンインソールを採用しているので耐久性と衝撃吸収性も高いです。アッパー側面は2層構造なっていて一層目のキャンバスが削れ二層目のスエードが顔を出してから靴の寿命が長いと評判です。




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