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“BONELESS ONE”, the biggest merit is that the ankle bone will not be oppressed, although protecting the ankle, and the mid-cut height is just right.  Since placement of the shoelace is set towards the ankle, the portion on the instep from the ankle will be centered and fixed by the shoelace.   Due to upper toe portion being in a one piece deck shoe shape design, toes within the shoe are not pressured and are comfortable; designed to make feeling stress difficult from the ankle down.   Because the upper side members of the shoe is composed of two layers of suede  life span becomes longer, and use of a high grade density shock absorbent  urethane insole enables the shoe to have long durability and absorbency.


"BONELESS ONE" 最大の特徴はくるぶしを圧迫せず足首を守る絶妙な高さのミッドカットです。シューレースの位置を足首寄りに設定しているので足首から甲にかけた部分を中心に靴ひもで固定出来ます。アッパーは爪先部分が一体型のデッキシューズ形状を採用しているので靴の中で指が圧迫されずらく足首より下にストレスを感じにくいデザインです。アッパー側面はスエードの二重構造で靴の寿命が長く、ショック吸収性の高い高密度ウレタンインソールを採用しているので耐久性と衝撃吸収性も高いです。




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